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  • by Nicola Boulton October 07, 2023 8 min read

    While Cordyceps isn't native to the UK, discover how this fascinating fungus is cultivated and readily available as supplements. Explore its uses, benefits, and where to find Cordyceps products in the UK in this comprehensive article.

    Cordyceps, the enigmatic fungus celebrated for its potential health benefits, may not be native to the United Kingdom, but it has firmly rooted itself in the UK's wellness landscape. This article delves into the cultivation, availability, and uses of Cordyceps in the UK, shedding light on how this remarkable fungus has become an essential part of many health-conscious individuals' routines.

    Cultivation of Cordyceps in the UK

    Cultivating Cordyceps in the UK involves a meticulous process that mimics its natural habitat. Here's an overview of how Cordyceps is grown in the UK:

    Selecting a Suitable Host

    Unlike the wild Cordyceps that parasitize caterpillars, cultivated Cordyceps typically grow on a substrate like grains or rice. This substrate is carefully chosen for its ability to support the growth of the fungus.

    Inoculation and Incubation

    Cordyceps spores or mycelium are introduced to the substrate, and the culture is incubated in a controlled environment. Temperature, humidity, and airflow are meticulously regulated to encourage growth.

    Mycelium Development

    Over several weeks, the Cordyceps mycelium colonizes the substrate, forming a network of thread-like structures. This mycelium is rich in bioactive compounds.

    Fruiting Body Formation

    Once the mycelium has developed, specific environmental cues are provided to induce the formation of the Cordyceps fruiting body, which contains the valuable bioactive compounds.

    Harvesting and Processing

    After the fruiting body reaches maturity, it is carefully harvested, dried, and processed into various Cordyceps products, such as capsules, powders, and extracts.

    Availability of Cordyceps Products in the UK

    Cordyceps products have become increasingly accessible to consumers in the UK. Here's where you can find them:

    Health Food Stores

    Many health food stores and wellness shops across the UK offer a range of Cordyceps supplements. These products are often sourced from reputable manufacturers and suppliers.

    Online Retailers

    Online marketplaces and e-commerce websites provide a vast selection of Cordyceps supplements. Consumers can research and purchase products from the comfort of their homes.

    Specialized Suppliers

    Some suppliers specialize in herbal and mushroom supplements, including Cordyceps. They often offer a curated selection of high-quality products.

    Holistic Wellness Centers

    Holistic wellness centers and practitioners may recommend Cordyceps supplements as part of a broader wellness plan. These centers may also stock Cordyceps products.

    Uses and Benefits of Cordyceps in the UK

    Cordyceps has gained popularity in the UK for its potential health benefits:

    Energy and Stamina

    Zhong et al (2009) established that Cordyceps has energy-boosting properties, making it a go-to supplement for individuals seeking enhanced vitality and physical performance.

    Respiratory Health

    Some use Cordyceps to support respiratory health, particularly during periods of respiratory discomfort or as a preventive measure.

    Adaptogenic Qualities

    Jędrejko et al (2021) found that Cordyceps has adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stressors and maintain balance.

    Cognitive Enhancement

    Cordyceps is associated with potential cognitive benefits, including improved focus, mental clarity, and memory.

    Immune Support

    Cordyceps may help modulate the immune system, potentially enhancing the body's defenses.

    Overall Well-being

    Many individuals in the UK incorporate Cordyceps into their wellness routines for its holistic benefits and overall support of well-being.

    Cordyceps Varieties and Forms

    Cordyceps, a fascinating genus of fungi, encompasses a variety of species, each with its unique properties and potential health benefits. Additionally, Cordyceps is available in various forms to cater to diverse preferences and needs.

    Cordyceps Sinensis: The Himalayan Gold

    Variety Description

    Cordyceps sinensis, also known as "YartsaGunbu" or "Himalayan Viagra," is perhaps the most famous and sought-after variety of Cordyceps. It grows at high altitudes in the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. This variety is parasitic and primarily infests the larvae of caterpillars.

    Key Benefits

    Cordyceps sinensis is traditionally prized for its potential to boost energy, improve endurance, and support respiratory health. It is also associated with immune-modulating and aphrodisiac properties.

    Cordyceps Militaris: The Cultivated Alternative

    Variety Description

    Cordyceps militaris is a cultivated variety of Cordyceps that doesn't rely on parasitizing insects. Instead, it is grown on a substrate like rice or grain. This variety is easier to cultivate and is commonly used in supplements and culinary applications.

    Key Benefits

    Cordyceps militaris shares many of the health benefits associated with Cordyceps sinensis, including increased energy, improved stamina, and potential immune support. It is more readily available due to cultivation.

    Cordyceps Ophioglossoides: The North American Cordyceps

    Variety Description

    Cordyceps ophioglossoides is a species found in North America. It grows in association with certain ferns and is considered a less well-known variety compared to Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris.

    Key Benefits

    While less researched than other Cordyceps varieties, Cordyceps ophioglossoides is believed to have potential health benefits similar to its counterparts, such as supporting energy levels and overall well-being.

    Forms of Cordyceps Products

    Cordyceps products are available in various forms to suit different preferences and applications:

    Capsules and Tablets

    Cordyceps supplements are commonly encapsulated or pressed into tablets. This form provides precise dosing and is convenient for daily supplementation.


    Cordyceps powder is versatile and can be easily added to smoothies, beverages, or recipes. It allows for flexibility in dosage and culinary creativity.


    Cordyceps tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts. They are known for their rapid absorption and are often used sublingually (under the tongue) for quick effects.


    Cordyceps extracts are highly concentrated and potent forms of the fungus. They are typically used in smaller quantities and may offer a more intense impact.

    Teas and Infusions

    Cordyceps teas and infusions are a soothing way to enjoy the benefits of Cordyceps. They are often combined with other herbs for a flavorful blend.

    Coffee and Beverage Mixes

    Cordyceps is sometimes included in coffee blends or beverage mixes, offering an energizing twist to your daily cup.

    Culinary Uses

    Cordyceps can be incorporated into various culinary creations, such as soups, stews, and stir-fries. Dried Cordyceps can be rehydrated and added to dishes for a unique flavor and potential health benefits.

    Dosage Recommendations

    Dosage recommendations for Cordyceps supplements can vary depending on factors such as the individual's age, overall health, specific health goals, and the form of Cordyceps being used (e.g., capsules, powders, extracts). It's crucial to follow recommended dosages provided by the manufacturer on the product label. However, here are some general dosage guidelines for commonly available forms of Cordyceps supplements:

    Cordyceps Capsules or Tablets

    Standard Dosage: For most adults, a typical daily dose of Cordyceps capsules or tablets ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 milligrams (mg) per day, divided into two or three doses.

    Cordyceps Powder

    Standard Dosage: Cordyceps powder can be mixed with water, juice, or added to smoothies or food. A common dosage is 1 to 3 grams per day, which is roughly equivalent to 1/4 to 1 teaspoon.

    Cordyceps Tinctures

    Standard Dosage: Cordyceps tinctures are highly concentrated. Typically, 30 to 60 drops are taken one to three times daily. Tinctures should be diluted in water or another liquid before consumption.

    Cordyceps Extracts

    Standard Dosage: Cordyceps extracts are potent, so a lower dosage is often recommended. A common dosage is 300 to 1,000 mg per day.

    It's essential to start with the lowest recommended dosage and gradually increase if needed. Individual responses to Cordyceps can vary, so it's wise to pay attention to how your body reacts and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

    Important Dosage Considerations

    Consult a Healthcare Professional

    Before starting any Cordyceps supplementation, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications, consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

    Cycle Usage

    To prevent potential tolerance or dependence, some individuals choose to cycle Cordyceps supplementation. For example, they might use Cordyceps for several weeks and then take a break.

    Adjust for Specific Goals

    Dosage may vary depending on your specific health goals. If you're using Cordyceps for energy or endurance, you might take a higher dose before physical activities. For general well-being, a standard dose may suffice.

    Quality Matters

    Ensure you are using high-quality Cordyceps products from reputable brands. The quality of the supplement can affect its effectiveness.

    Monitor for Side Effects

    Pay attention to how your body responds to Cordyceps supplementation. If you experience any adverse effects, such as digestive upset or allergic reactions, discontinue use and seek medical advice.

    Age and Weight

    Dosage recommendations may differ for children, the elderly, or individuals with different body weights. Always follow age-appropriate and weight-appropriate guidelines if available.

    Potential Drawbacks and Precautions

    Cordyceps supplements offer numerous potential health benefits, but it's essential to be aware of potential drawbacks and precautions. Here are some considerations:

    Allergic Reactions

    While rare, some individuals may be allergic to Cordyceps. Allergic reactions can manifest as itching, hives, rashes, or even difficulty breathing. If you experience any allergic symptoms, discontinue use and seek medical attention.

    Digestive Upset

    Cordyceps supplementation can sometimes lead to mild digestive discomfort, including bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing can help minimize these effects.

    Medication Interactions

    Cordyceps may interact with certain medications, such as blood thinners or immunosuppressants. If you are taking prescription medications, consult with a healthcare professional before using Cordyceps to avoid potential interactions.

    Autoimmune Conditions

    Yu et al (2001) found that Cordyceps has immune-modulating effects, which may not be suitable for individuals with autoimmune conditions. Consult with a healthcare provider if you have an autoimmune disorder before using Cordyceps.

    Not Recommended During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

    Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should exercise caution with Cordyceps supplements. There is limited research on its safety during these periods, so it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before use.

    Tolerance and Dependence

    While not well-documented, some individuals may develop tolerance or dependence on Cordyceps for energy-boosting effects. To avoid potential reliance, consider cycling usage or consulting with a healthcare professional for guidance.

    Quality and Sourcing

    Low-quality Cordyceps supplements from unreliable sources may pose risks. To ensure safety and effectiveness, choose products from reputable brands with third-party testing and certifications.

    Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing

    Some individuals prefer Cordyceps products sourced from cultivation rather than wild harvesting to support ethical and sustainable practices. Consider your values when selecting Cordyceps products.

    Individual Variability

    Cordyceps may affect individuals differently. Factors such as genetics, underlying health conditions, and dosage can lead to varying responses. Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust usage accordingly.

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    Is Cordyceps Naturally Found in The United Kingdom?

    No, Cordyceps is not native to the United Kingdom. It is typically found in high-altitude regions of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. However, cultivated Cordyceps products are readily available in the UK.

    Where Can I Buy Cordyceps Supplements in The UK?

    Cordyceps supplements are available in health food stores, online retailers, specialized herbal shops, and wellness centers across the UK. You can also find them on various e-commerce websites.

    Are Cordyceps Supplements Legal in The UK?

    Yes, Cordyceps supplements are legal in the UK. They are classified as food supplements and are subject to regulations by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to ensure safety and labeling compliance.

    Are There Different Varieties of Cordyceps Available in The UK?

    Yes, you can find different varieties of Cordyceps supplements in the UK. Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps militaris are the most common varieties, each with its unique properties.

    Can I Find Cordyceps Products in Local Stores, Or Do I Need to Order Online?

    Cordyceps products can be found in many local health food stores and herbal shops. However, for a broader selection and convenience, many people also purchase them online.

    How Should I Choose a Reputable Cordyceps Product in The UK?

    Look for products from reputable brands that provide information on sourcing, third-party testing, and certifications. Read product reviews and consult with healthcare professionals for recommendations.


    While Cordyceps may not naturally grow in the UK, its cultivation and availability as supplements have made it accessible to a growing number of health-conscious individuals. As the popularity of Cordyceps continues to rise, understanding its cultivation, where to find Cordyceps products, and its potential uses and benefits in the UK can empower consumers to make informed choices for their well-being.


    Jędrejko, K. J., Lazur, J., &Muszyńska, B. (2021). Cordyceps militaris: An overview of its chemical constituents in relation to biological activity. Foods10(11), 2634.

    Yu, K. W., Suh, H. J., Bae, S. H., Lee, C. S., Kim, S. H., & Yoon, C. S. (2001). Chemical Properties and Physiological Aacitivities of Stromata of Cordyceps militaris. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology11(2), 266-274.

    Zhong, S., Pan, H., Fan, L., Lv, G., Wu, Y., Parmeswaran, B., ... &Soccol, C. R. (2009). Advances in research of polysaccharides in Cordyceps species. Food Technology and Biotechnology47(3), 304-312.

    Nicola Boulton
    Nicola Boulton

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