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  • by Nicola Boulton January 16, 2023 5 min read

    How to Use CBD Oil for Gum Disease?

    With its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, CBD oil has been of help to patients suffering from gum diseases. Painful gums and bad breath are some of the discomforts caused by gum diseases caused by poor hygiene in most cases. This article will help us understand how to use CBD oils for infected gums and the benefits that come in hand with them.

    CBD oil is an active ingredient found in the cannabis plant. With anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is a good idea to opt for if suffering from gum disease. CBD comes in different forms, such as orals and even edibles making it diverse for its users. Bacteria in the mouth commonly cause gum-related diseases. Taking CBD oil orally under the tongue is the fastest way to get CBD in the bloodstream for quick results. Chewing CBD-induced gummies is also an option for people experiencing gum problems. Anti-bacterial properties of CBD oil can help curb such problems. The use of CBD oil comes with great benefits like pain relief and fresh breath. Though CBD can help contain all these gum problems, natural hygiene is highly recommended.How to Use CBD Oil for Gum Disease?

    What is CBD

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is an element found in the hemp plant, unlike Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which has a high effect. CBD can come in different forms to make it efficient for its users. A good form of CBD is CBD oil.

    CBD oil is a form of CBD which comes in liquid form. CBD oil can be used in managing gum diseases with its anti-inflammatory properties.

    Gum diseases are gum infections caused by bacteria found in the mouth. This results in plaque accumulation around the teeth, which can cause gum aching, bleeding, and bad breath. This may be disturbing to patients diagnosed with certain gum diseases. Poor hygiene can also contribute to such conditions. CBD oils have been incorporated with other ingredients to help curb this menace.

    Procedures Of Using CBD Oil for Gum Disease

    Different forms of CBD allow it to be used in various ways. Products made to help ease pain related to gums. Bacteria in the mouth are responsible for some gum diseases, while others are caused by poor personal hygiene. CBD is used to manufacture products to reduce inflammation and pain in gums. Here is a summary of effective methods used to take CBD for patients with gum diseases.

    Oral Prescription

    As seen above, CBD reacts well when taken by mouth as its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties help fight bacteria in the gum.Lowe et al (2021) state how Cannabinoids (CBN, CBC, CBN, CBG) found in CBD reduced bacteria in dental plaque. Oral intake of CBD is ingesting CBD products in the body through the mouth. This can be in the form of oils or capsules. CBD oils used to treat gum-related diseases can be taken by tinctures and drop bottles designed for CBD oil administration. Add drops of CBD oil to the affected area and massage gently to allow it to be absorbed in the gums. Mouthwash products induced with CBD are also common in the market. Patients who prefer the use of mouthwash as a method to curb gum discomfort are required to add the prescribed number of CBD oil drops in water and guggle for better results. A certified health practitioner should do the prescription. CBD oil can also be added to beverages and drinks. Capsules are another form of taking CBD orally. Patients who find the taste of CBD oil awful can opt for this. The capsules have all the properties of the oils, but now someone who has taken CBD oil under the tongue will have faster results as it is absorbed in the bloodstream faster than capsules that have to undergo digestion.

    CBD Toothpaste

    With the world advancing and new inventions being made, CBD has found itself in that growing phase due to its popularity. Different companies are investing in CBD products, one of them being CBD toothpaste.David et al(2022) concluded that anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in CBD-induced toothpaste help fight bad bacteria in the mouth. Brushing teeth a minimum of two times a day can help reduce bad breath and bleeding gums which are symptoms associated with gingivitis. Untreated gingivitis can lead to another gum condition known as a periodontist.

    Chewing CBD Gums

    Researchers have not yet concluded the effects of CBD on gummies. This is because most CBD products require adequate time to glimpse the effects of various gum diseases.

    Van Orten-Luiten et al(2022)showed that chewing CBD-induced gummies can help manage pain and swelling of the gums. Effects are, in most cases, observed after the CBD is introduced to the bloodstream and may last up to twenty minutes. This is because of the bioavailability rate of the edible product.

    However, it is advisable to visit a health specialist for advice on the best dosage and diverse contradictions that may be caused due to interaction with other medications used to treat gum diseases. CBD has promising effects on inflammation and pain that can help contain gum diseases.

    CBD oils are believed to effectively contain adverse symptoms of inflammation and pain, which are major effects of gum diseases.

    A case study by Mederos etal(2018)shows the unique properties of CBD oils, such as their anti-inflammatory properties, have helped patients with swollen, painful gums. Positive progress from patients with bad breath and bleeding gums have been encouraging and has led to the massive growth of the CBD market. CBD oil used by patients with gum diseases has helped them reduce sensitivity experienced in the gums. Sensitivity may cause discomfort for patients suffering from gum diseases as it may affect the eating habits of the patient. CBD oil's anti-bacterial properties can minimize damage caused by bad bacteria in the mouth. Most of you may be wondering whether there are bad and good bacteria. The answer is yes. Good bacteria in the mouth aid digestion, while bad bacteria can be caused by poor oral hygiene. CBD oil helps in the management of the bad bacteria present in the mouth, which can lead to serious gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontist. The bad breath and pain caused by these gum diseases may disturb colleagues and the general performance of the patient at their respective workplaces.


    CBD oil is one of the most popularly used products in the dental industry. Its natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and pain-inhibiting properties have helped patients with swollen gums, bad breath, and even relief pain. In addition, Sensitive pain experienced in patients is also part of the good benefits that come along with the use of CBD oils. The diversity in methods of using CBD oils has given the patients room for preference as they can comfortably use the products anytime, they experience discomfort. Products vary from oral prescriptions such as mouthwash and oils. There are also other forms like capsules, Gummies, and CBD toothpaste. The study above shows gum diseases can result from poor hygiene. If adverse effects are experienced, seek medical advice.



    Lowe, H., Toying, N., Steele, B., Bryant, J., Ngwa, W., & Nedamat, K. (2021). The Current and Potential Application of Medicinal Cannabis Products in Dentistry. Dentistry journal9(9), 106.

    van Orten-Luiten, A. C. B., De Roos, N. M., Majait, S., Witteman, B. J., & Witkamp, R. F. (2022). Effects of cannabidiol chewing gum on perceived pain and well-being of irritable bowel syndrome patients: a placebo-controlled crossover exploratory intervention study with symptom-driven dosing. Cannabis and cannabinoid research7(4), 436-444.

    David, C., Elizalde-Hernández, A., Barboza, A. S., Cardoso, G. C., Santos, M. B., & Moraes, R. R. (2022). Cannabidiol in Dentistry: A Scoping Review. Dentistry Journal, 10(10), 193

    Mederos, M., Francia, A., Chisini, L. A., Grazioli, G., & Andrade, E. (2018). Influence of cannabis use on periodontal disease: a scoping review. Odontoestomatología20(31), 4-15.

    Nicola Boulton
    Nicola Boulton

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