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  • by Nicola Boulton January 16, 2023 6 min read

    How to Use CBD Oil for Epilepsy

    CBD oil can be used for seizures in epileptic individuals. This article highlights how you can use CBD oil for epilepsy and other factors, including the types of CBD and how to consume it.

    The cannabis world has gained popularity in recent years. It has over a hundred cannabinoids that have varying effects on users. CBD is one of them. CBD is mainly extracted from the hemp plant. It has some therapeutic benefits for the consumer's body. CBD oil can be utilized in several ways, including tinctures and edibles. You need to follow the dosage rules on the package for effectiveness. CBD oil can be used with epileptic people to reduce their seizures. Use this article to understand how one can use CBD for epilepsy.

    How to Use CBD Oil for Epilepsy

    CBD Oil for Epilepsy

    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by seizures. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabis chemical compound. Therefore, it does not have a high effect on users.According to Cilio et al. (2014), CBD oil can minimize the rigorousness of seizures in epileptic people. The drug used to minimize seizure is called Epidiolex. It is the only drug approved by the food and drug administration(Abernethy, 2019). Those with severe seizures can use this drug to minimize their occurrence.

    Before starting on the dosage, you should consult your doctor.After that, you can choose your preferred delivery method.Start with a low dosage to weigh your tolerance.Ask your doctor about the drug and howyou should take it.Ensure that the CBD product will not interact with other medications that you might be under.

    What Is CBD?

    The cannabis plant has over a hundred cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the chemical compounds of the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most dominant cannabinoids. According to Mascal et al. (2019), CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid of the hemp plant. Therefore, you cannot get high from consuming CBD products. Most manufacturers of CBD products source their chemical compound from the hemp plant rather than marijuana because it is federally accepted. Hemp-derived CBD is extracted from the leaves and stems.

    Manufacturers extract CBD using various methods, including solvent and carbon (iv) oxide extraction methods. However, carbon (iv) oxide extraction is the most suitable method. During extraction, plant matter, such as chlorophyll,is eliminated. CBD is available in three types, full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate. The last process of manufacturing CBD is a third-party lab test. Trusted companies test their CBD products through an independent lab for purity and potency. During extraction, the endproduct may contain contaminants, such as pesticides. A third-party lab test is essential to help you consume a safe product.

    Yarar (2021) stated that CBD works with the endocannabinoid system to exert its effects. You can consume CBD in various ways, including edibles, topicals, tinctures, capsules, and vapes. These methods of administering CBD have their pros and cons.

    Types of CBD

    CBD is available in various types. They vary in their constituents and effects on the consumers' bodies. The following are the different types of CBD;

    Full Spectrum CBD Oil

    This CBD oil contains all the cannabinoids in the hemp plant, including terpenes, flavonoids, and THC. These cannabinoids can work together to give you the entourage effect. Therefore, you will experience the benefits of all the cannabinoids. The THC present is not enough to make you high. However, it can be detected in a drug test.

    Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

    Broad spectrum CBD oil is similar to full spectrum. However, this type of CBD oil is void of THC. THC is the main psychoactive cannabinoid of the hemp plant that has a high effect on users. Consuming broad-spectrum CBD oil will make you experience an entourage effect. Therefore, you will benefit from all the cannabinoids of the hemp plant.

    CBD Isolate

    This is the purest form of CBD. It contains pure CBD. Therefore, you will only reap the benefits of the hemp-derived cannabinoid. CBD isolate is ideal for beginners in the cannabis world.

    Ways of Consuming CBD

    CBD cannot be administered into the body as a compound. Therefore, it is mixed with various carrier oils to act as a base. The carrier oils enhance absorption into the body. The following are ways in which you can use to administer CBD to the body. Learn more about what does cbd oil taste like?


    CBD tinctures are administered sublingually. A dropper places a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue. You must let it stay there for around 30 seconds before swallowing it. Sublingual administration of CBD oil has a high bioavailability. The chemical compound goes straight to the bloodstream through the mucous gland.When you swallow the CBD tincture, the remaining chemical compound is broken down before reaching the bloodstream. You will experience the benefits of CBD quite fast through the sublingual administration of CBD. However, you will have to adhere to the bitter taste of CBD.


    CBD vaping is also one of the most bioavailable methods of consuming CBD. Vaping is the best alternative for those who struggle with smoking. It is done using vape kits, such as mods and pens. The vape kits consist of a battery, atomizer, and vape juice. The battery powers the atomizer, which turns the vape juice to vapor. The vapor is inhaled into the lungs. You will experience the benefits of CBD quite fast through vaping. CBD vapes are available in various flavors. Therefore, you can choose one that best suits your preferences. You will also find the vapes in varying potencies. Beginners are advised to start with low-potent CBD vapes to weigh their tolerance to the product. They can gradually increase the potency to best suit their preferences.

    CBD vapes are available in two types; disposable and refillable. Disposable vape kits are disposed of once the e-liquid depletes. Refillable vape kits can be refilled once the vape juice is over. The disposable vape kits cannot be dismantled. Some vape kits can be recharged when the battery runs low. Ensure you do not leave the device unattended when charging. Take short puffs to avoid choking.


    CBD topicals are applied to the skin to tackle localized problems. The topical products include creams, lotions, balms, and gels. Topical CBD products do not interact with the bloodstream. This is because it does not penetrate the skin. The effects of CBD topicals are based on the skin. It is one of the CBD utilization that has a low bioavailability. Apply the CBD topical products on a clean surface to avoid infections.


    CBD capsules resemble ordinary tablets. Therefore, they offer you a discreet method of consuming CBD. The hemp-derived cannabinoid is encapsulated. Therefore, you will enjoy the benefits of CBD without the earthy and musky taste. CBD capsules and softgels are taken orally. Therefore, they have to go through the digestive system. They are broken down before reaching the bloodstream. Therefore, the effects will take some time to be felt. CBD capsules are available in various potencies. Beginners should start with low-potent CBD capsules and gradually increase their intake. Follow the dosage guidelines on the package to have a swift experience with CBD.


    CBD edibles are in the form of gummies, chocolate bars, and cookies. They are available in various flavors and potencies. The various flavors enable you to enjoy CBD's benefits without the bitter and musky taste. CBD edibles are consumed orally. Therefore, they must go through the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream. You will feel the effects after a while.


    With the above information, you can understand that CBD oil can minimize seizures in those with epilepsy. CBD is a naturally occurring compound in the hemp plant. It cannot be consumed as a compound. Therefore, you can administer them in various forms, such as gummies, topicals, and vapes. These methods have their pros and cons. They can also be administered in various forms. Ensure you choose your product from a reputable brand for purity.Choose a delivery mode that best suits your preferences. Learn more about why is cbd oil so expensive?


    Abernethy, A. (2019). Hemp Production and the 2018 Farm Bill. US Food and Drug Administration.

    Cilio, M. R., Thiele, E. A., & Devinsky, O. (2014). The case for assessing cannabidiol in epilepsy. Epilepsia, 55(6), 787-790.

    Mascal, M., Hafezi, N., Wang, D., Hu, Y., Serra, G., Dallas, M. L., & Spencer, J. P. (2019). Synthetic, non-intoxicating 8, 9-di hydro cannabidiol for the mitigation of seizures. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-6.

    Yarar, E. (2021). Role and function of the endocannabinoid system in major depressive disease. Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, 4(1), 1-12.

    Nicola Boulton
    Nicola Boulton

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