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  • by Nicola Boulton January 13, 2023 5 min read

    What Is CBD Oil?

    CBD Is derived from hemp or cannabis plants, and it is legal in over 50 states; some approve the use of cannabis CBD, although most legalize hemp CBD since the plant has less amount of THC. This article talks about CBD oil, modes of administration, health benefits of CBD, where to purchase CBD oil, and risks of CBD.

    Cannabidiol compound is greatly appreciated in the world today since it is the natural remedy for different health problems people are facing. Cannabidiol has various health benefits for the user, for example, pain relief, improving sleep, and alleviating anxiety, stress, and depression. Cannabidiol is commonly known as CBD if found in different forms, for example, oil and tinctures, topicals, vapes, capsules and tablets, and edibles, thus increasing accessibility by the users.

    What Is CBD Oil?

    CBD Oil, what Is It?

    CBD is a chemical compound derived from hemp and cannabis plants. Hemp CBD is encouraged because it has high cannabidiol levels and is thus legal in many states. Although CBD and THC are from the same plant, they impact the body differently. THC is a known marijuana compound that causes a high feeling. The legal amount of THC is below 0.3% because it is certified by the food and drug administration as non-intoxicating. CBD does not have a psychoactive effect; instead, it relieves pain, alleviates anxiety and depression, and improves sleep.

     CBD oil can be grouped into full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or CBD isolates.Full-spectrum CBD oil has all components found in the plant, including THC, broad-spectrum CBD does not have THC but has other plant compounds, and CBD isolate has cannabidiol alone. It is thus known as a pure form of CBD.

    Modes of CBD Oil Administration

    CBD is infused in different products and thus takes various forms, for example, topicals, vapes, oil and tinctures, capsules, and tablets


    CBD oil can be added to your favourite vape juice and inhaled directly into the lungs. The compound is directly absorbed into the bloodstream and thus offers fast relief to the body. Vaping is considered safe and healthy compared to smoking because it does not burn the compounds, as suggested by Darabsehet al. (2020). Although vaping has high bioavailability and seems to be the best option for smokers, studies indicate it might cause;liver and lung damage which are long-term side effects. Therefore, there is a need for further research.


    CBD topicals are designed to be used on the skin surface. They interact with endocannabinoid receptors in the skin to offer relief. They take all skin care products, for example, creams, lotions, gels, and balms. They are reliable for pain relief since the product is applied directly to the affected area and thus provides fast relief.

    CBD oil and Tinctures

    CBD oil and medicines are taken orally by swallowing. Tinctures are best used under the tongue and absorbed into the bloodstream. They have a fast effect compared to edibles.

    CBD Capsules and Tablets

    They are taken through the mouth and swallowed down into the digestive system with water. They are suitable for travellers since they can be carried and taken at any time and place.


    CBD can be infused into foods or drinks. Gummies are a common form of CBD; they are the most discrete way of taking cannabidiol and are thus suitable for beginners because they have flavours.

    Health Benefits of CBD Oil

    Treat Opioids Addiction

    Some animal and human preclinical trials suggest CBD can help people who are opioid addicts. The research was carried out on people who are dependent on heroin; after a week, they exhibited reduced use of the drug by reducing cravings, moderating the heart rate, and alleviating anxiety caused by too much abuse of heroin drug.

    Alleviative Mental Disorder

    Mental health is emphasized today because people are suffering. Anxiety, stress, depression, and post-traumatic mental disorder are common mental issues experienced. They are manageable but could result in severe health conditions such as heart attack and stroke when not handled early. There are antidepressants used to help the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression; however, most have side effects. According to Shannon (2019),CBD can be used to alleviate anxiety, stress, and depression because of the relaxing and soothing effect it has on the mind and the body.

    Ease Pain

    CBD is most used for different forms of pain ranging from mild to severe and thus used for treating health conditions whose symptoms include severe pain. Sativex is a CBD drug used in Canada for treating patients with arthritis and multiple sclerosis, as stated by Khaleghi(2020). patients administered with CBD had reduced symptoms, including pain and inflammation, compared to those with aplacebo.

    Improve Sleep

    Sleep is essential and should be considered for anyone aiming to have a healthy life.Sleep is good, but many people have issues catching good quality sleep due to lifestyle and health issues. According to Kuhathasan (2019), CBD improves sleep because of its relaxing nature for the mind and the body as it relieves pain.

    Where to Buy CBD Oil

    CBD oil is available and can be accessed by all users since they are in walk-in stores and online stores. Due to the increased number of companies making the product and thus is a loophole for poor-quality products. Therefore, you should get a high-quality product from the market. Here are some of the factors to consider;

    Risks of CBD Oil

    Many people greatly appreciate CBD since it is a natural remedy for many health issues. Although many people can tolerate CBD, some mild side effects are reported, such as diarrhoea, fatigue, dry mouth, and a change in appetite. When taken in large amounts, CBD can result in drowsiness. Therefore, consulting a specialist before using any form of CBD is essential.


    CBD is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis and hemp plant. This resultsina positive view of cannabis in the world. CBD is associated with potential health benefits, for example, pain relief, treating opioid addiction, improving sleep, and alleviating anxiety, stress, and depression. CBD oil can contain all plant components, including THC; thus, it is good to know the type of CBD in the product. CBD oiland its products are readily available in the online market stores and stores and your local’s place. Remember to consult your medical doctor before using CBD since it interacts with other medications.


    Shannon, S., Lewis, N., Lee, H., & Hughes, S. (2019). Cannabidiol in anxiety and sleep: a large case series. The Permanente Journal23.

    Kuhathasan, N., Dufort, A., MacKillop, J., Gottschalk, R., Minuzzi, L., & Frey, B. N. (2019). The use of cannabinoids for sleep: A critical review on clinical trials. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology27(4), 383.

    Khaleghi, M. (2020). New arthritis foundation guidelines on CBD use could be the first of many more. Alternative therapies in health and medicine26, 8-11.

    Darabseh, M. Z., Selfe, J., Morse, C. I., & Degens, H. (2020). Is vaping better than smoking for cardiorespiratory and muscle function? Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine15(1).

    Nicola Boulton
    Nicola Boulton

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